All in one number systems / bases converter and calculator. Convert or calculate Binary, Decimal, octal, Hex and up with support for system bits setting, Fractions and Negative numbers.Features:• Convert Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal and Bases up to 36• Supports Fractions / Decimal Places• Supports Negative (Signed) Numbers• Dynamic mode for unlimited digits conversions and calculations • Multiple Algorithm Modes:4 Bit8 Bit - Byte16 Bit - Word32 Bit - Double Word (Dword)64 Bit - Quad Word (Qword)up to 512 Bit computing• Text / Ascii Converter • Programmer Calculator: - Basic Operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division- Advanced Operations : AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, twos complement, Remainder, MOD, Left Bit Shift and Right Bit Shift• Easy & Attractive UI with 5 color themes